广东工业大学学报 ›› 2011, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (2): 59-62.

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  1. 广东工业大学 物理与光电工程学院,广东 广州  510006
  • 出版日期:2011-06-25 发布日期:2011-06-25
  • 作者简介:王婷婷(1983-),女,硕士研究生,主要研究方向为数字图像处理.

A Comparative Study of Photometry on Bright Stars and Dark Stars

  1. Faculty of Physics and Optoelectronic Engineering, Guangdong University of Technology, Guangzhou 510009,China
  • Online:2011-06-25 Published:2011-06-25

摘要: 利用有效点扩散函数和高斯函数分别对亮星和暗星进行拟合测光的对比研究.将国家天文台1 m望远镜观测的16幅CCD图像中的星体按其平均光度分为亮星和暗星二类,各自求得它们的有效点扩散函数并进行测量.结果表明:用亮星的有效点扩散函数拟合亮星精度较高,用高斯拟合方法拟合暗星精度较高.有效点扩散函数测量亮星的精度优势明显,对于暗星测量以高斯拟合方法稍好,说明暗星的形态结构更接近高斯分布.

关键词: 有效点扩散函数;高斯拟合;测光; 精度

Abstract: It conducts a comparative study of photometry on the bright stars and dark stars, using ePSF(effective-Point-Spread-Function) and Gaussian function. The stars in the 16 CCD images observed by National Astronomical 1 m telescope were divided into two types of stars, bright stars and dark stars according to the average luminosity, and each of the ePSF was calculated and used to measure the stars. The results reveal that the precision rate is higher if the ePSF of bright stars is used to measure bright stars, and the precision rate is higher if the Gaussfitting is used to measure dark stars. The ePSF has obvious advantages to measure the precision of bright stars while the Gaussfitting is better for dark stars, which shows that the morphological structure of the dark star is closer to Gaussian distribution.

Key words: effective-point-spread-function(ePSF); Gauss-fitting; photometry; precision

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