广东工业大学学报 ›› 2023, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (05): 117-122,132.doi: 10.12052/gdutxb.220089

• 综合研究 • 上一篇    


毛济民, 吴颖怡, 杨雪强, 张敏, 段文杰   

  1. 广东工业大学 土木与交通工程学院,广东 广州 510006
  • 收稿日期:2022-05-19 发布日期:2023-09-26
  • 通信作者: 杨雪强(1966-),男,教授,博士,主要研究方向为土体本构关系及边坡稳定等,
  • 作者简介:毛济民(1997-),男,硕士研究生,主要研究方向为岩土工程数值分析、非开挖技术等,
  • 基金资助:

Testing and Measuring Friction Characteristics Between Soil and Concrete Surface in Guangzhou Area

Mao Ji-min, Wu Ying-yi, Yang Xue-qiang, Zhang Min, Duan Wen-jie   

  1. School of Civil and Transportation Engineering, Guangdong University of Technology, Guangzhou 510006, China
  • Received:2022-05-19 Published:2023-09-26

摘要: 为了研究广州地区不同土体与混凝土表面的摩擦角,将取自不同地区的4种不同土体试样、3种不同的浆土混合体放入改造后的直剪仪中,在不同法向应力下进行快剪的直剪试验,得到不同土体、浆土混合体与混凝土试件表面的摩擦角。试验结果表明:(1) 花岗岩残积重塑干土与混凝土试块表面摩擦角为25.2°;花岗岩残积原状土与混凝土试块表面摩擦角为24.1°;南沙淤泥质土与混凝土试块表面摩擦角为17.2°;福建标准干砂与混凝土试块表面摩擦角为31.7°。(2) 分析土体与混凝土表面的摩擦角时,认为剪切时的法向应力、颗粒间的咬合摩擦、含水量、土体与混凝土表面的共同作用等为主要因素;而混凝土剪切表面的黏聚力大小,则与混凝土表面的凸凹程度、土中砂粒的含量及颗粒级配、土体的非饱和状态等有关。(3) 随着浆土混合体中泥浆质量比例的提高,管片与浆土混合体的摩擦阻力减小,浆土混合体的整体黏聚力也同时减小。

关键词: 花岗岩残积土, 淤泥质土, 福建标准砂, 浆土混合体, 界面摩擦角, 界面黏聚力

Abstract: In order to study the friction angles between different soils and concrete surface in Guangzhou area, four soil samples and three different slurry-soil mixtures from different regions were put into the modified direct shear apparatus, and direct shear tests were carried out under different normal stresses to obtain the friction angles between soils, slurry-soil mixtures and concrete surfaces. Testing results show that: (1) the friction angle between granite residual remolded dry soil and concrete block surface is 25.2°. The friction angle between granite residual undisturbed soil and concrete block surface is 24.1°. Nansha silt soil and concrete block surface friction angle is 17.2°. Fujian standard dry sand and concrete block surface friction angle is 31.7°; (2) the friction angle between soil and concrete surface depends on the mineral composition of soil, normal pressure, the interlocking between particles, water content, and the interaction between soil and concrete surface. The degree of convexity and concavity changing on concrete surface, the content and gradation of sand particles in soil, the content of clay and mica, unsaturated state of soil, determine the cohesion of concrete and soil shear surface finally; and (3) as slurry weight ratio increasing, frictional coefficient and cohesion are both decreased between slurry-soil mixture and concrete surfaces.

Key words: granite residual soil, silty soil, Fujian standard sand, slurry-soil mixture, interface friction angle, interface cohesion


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