广东工业大学学报 ›› 2014, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (3): 14-20.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1007-7162.2014.03.003

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  1. 广州大学  计算机科学与教育软件学院,广东  广州  510006
  • 收稿日期:2014-07-03 出版日期:2014-09-30 发布日期:2014-09-30
  • 作者简介:高鹰(1963-),男,教授,博士,主要研究方向为智能优化算法及应用.
  • 基金资助:


Multi-objective Optimization Algorithm Using Cloud Model and Favour Ranking

Gao Ying,Yu Qi, Liu Wai-xi   

  1. Department of Computer Science and Technology, Guangzhou University, Guangzhou 510006, China
  • Received:2014-07-03 Online:2014-09-30 Published:2014-09-30

摘要: 论文给出了一个基于云模型和利用Favour排序的多目标优化算法,其新颖之处是依据云模型理论估计好解区域和新解的生成.该算法利用优化过程中获得的信息构建好解区域的云模型并用逆向云发生器估计该云模型的3个数字特征;之后,依据这3个数字特征,用正向云发生器生成当前子代种群,并用Favour排序对当前种群和当前子代种群的并集进行排序,然后,依据排序结果选择最好的一些个体形成下一代.该算法与其他算法就一组基准函数进行了测试比较,结果表明该算法更有效.

关键词: 多目标优化, 云模型, Favour排序

Abstract: A multiobjective optimization algorithm inspired from cloud model and using favour ranking is introduced. The innovation of the algorithm lies in the estimation of good solution regions and new solution production according to the cloud model theory. The algorithm used information obtained during optimization to build the cloud model for good solution regions, and estimated three digital characteristics of the cloud model by backward cloud generators. Afterwards, forward cloud generators were used to generate current offsprings population according to three digital characteristics. The population with the current population and current offsprings population was sorted using favour ranking, and the best individuals were selected to form the next population. Regarding a set of benchmark functions, the proposed algorithm was tested and compared with some other algorithms. The experimental results show that the algorithm is effective  in the benchmark functions.

Key words: multiobjective optimization, cloud model, favour ranking

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