广东工业大学学报 ›› 2023, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (06): 1-11.doi: 10.12052/gdutxb.230120

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杨春燕1,2, 李兴森1,2   

  1. 1. 广东工业大学 可拓学与创新方法研究所, 广东 广州 510006;
    2. 广东工业大学 机电工程学院, 广东 广州 510006
  • 收稿日期:2023-09-30 出版日期:2023-11-25 发布日期:2023-11-08
  • 作者简介:杨春燕(1964-),女,教授,主要研究方向为可拓学理论、可拓创新方法、可拓智能、知识工程、创新设计与智能设计
  • 基金资助:

Development and Research Progress of Extenics over the Past 40 Years

Yang Chun-yan1,2, Li Xing-sen1,2   

  1. 1. Institute of Extenics and Innovation Methods, Guangdong University of Technology, Guangzhou 510006, China;
    2. School of Electromechanical Engineering, Guangdong University of Technology, Guangzhou 510006, China
  • Received:2023-09-30 Online:2023-11-25 Published:2023-11-08

摘要: 国家级有突出贡献的专家、广东工业大学蔡文教授于1983年在《科学探索学报》发表论文《可拓集合和不相容问题》,标志着一门中国原创学科可拓学的诞生。可拓学是用形式化的模型研究事物拓展与变换的规律与方法,并用于实现创新及处理矛盾问题的学科。2023年是可拓学创立40周年。经过众多可拓学研究者的共同努力,可拓学理论与方法体系日臻完善,已在工程技术、信息科学与智能科学、管理与经济、教育教学、创新创业等领域得到广泛应用,并显现重要的应用价值和应用成效。本文综述可拓学的发展历程、研究概况、国际化与社会化情况,简要介绍可拓学的科学意义及学术评价情况,并展望了可拓学发展的未来趋势。

关键词: 可拓学, 可拓论, 可拓创新方法, 可拓工程, 矛盾问题, 可拓智能

Abstract: Professor Cai Wen, a nationally renowned expert with outstanding contributions from Guangdong University of Technology, published a paper on Extension Set and non-compatible Problem in the Journal of Science Exploration in 1983, marking the birth of an original Chinese discipline called Extenics. Extenics is a kind of science that uses formal models to study the laws and methods of extension and transformation of things, and is used to achieve innovation and handle contradictory problems. The year 2023 marks the 40th anniversary of the establishment of Extenics. Through the joint efforts of numerous Extenics researchers, the theory and methodology of Extenics has been gradually improved, and has been widely applied in fields such as engineering technology, information science and intelligent science, management and economy, education and teaching, innovation and entrepreneurship, and has shown its important application value and effectiveness. This article summarizes the development process, research overview, internationalization and socialization of Extenics, and briefly introduces the scientific significance and academic evaluation of Extenics followed with the prospects for the future trends in the development of Extenics.

Key words: Extenics, extension theory, extension innovation methods, extension engineering, contradictory problem, extension intelligence


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