广东工业大学学报 ›› 2018, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (05): 60-64,69.doi: 10.12052/gdutxb.170165

• 综合研究 • 上一篇    下一篇


张淼1, 郭兴屹1, 张兴旺2   

  1. 1. 广东工业大学 自动化学院, 广东 广州 510006;
    2. 中国电器科学研究院有限公司, 广东 广州 510300
  • 收稿日期:2017-12-05 出版日期:2018-07-10 发布日期:2018-09-11
  • 作者简介:张淼(1968-),男,教授,主要研究方向为电力电子与电力传动及可再生能源发电控制技术
  • 基金资助:

A Research on Single Phase LCL Inverter Based on State Feedback Abstract

Zhang Miao1, Guo Xing-yi1, Zhang Xing-wang2   

  1. 1. School of Automation, Guangdong University of Technology, Guangzhou 510006, China;
    2. China Institute of Electrical Science Limited, Guangzhou 510300, China
  • Received:2017-12-05 Online:2018-07-10 Published:2018-09-11

摘要: 较高的开关频率能够抑制低频谐波,但同时会引入大量的高频谐波,采用LCL型滤波器可以满足低频增益的同时衰减高频谐波,但该滤波器为一高阶系统,存在谐振尖峰.为了解决这些问题,本文提出了一种基于状态反馈的控制策略,采用状态观测器实现对系统状态变量的观测,利用状态反馈技术提高系统的鲁棒性,并利用该控制策略减少了系统传感器的数量.仿真和实验结果均验证了该控制策略是可行的.

关键词: LCL型滤波器, 状态反馈, 状态观测器, 鲁棒性

Abstract: Higher switching frequency can suppress low frequency harmonics, but at the same time will introduce a large number of high frequency harmonics. The LCL filter can satisfy the low frequency gain and attenuate the high frequency harmonics, but this filter is a high order system with a resonant peak. In order to solve these problems, a control strategy based on state feedback is proposed. The state observer is used to observe the state variables of the system and the state feedback technique is used to improve the robustness of the system. Furthermore, the control strategy reduces the number of system sensors. The simulation and experimental results show that the control strategy is feasible.

Key words: LCL filter, state feedback, state observer, robustness


  • TM464
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