广东工业大学学报 ›› 2010, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (2): 36-39.

• 综合研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 广东工业大学,土木与交通工程学院,广东广州510006
  • 出版日期:2010-06-25 发布日期:2010-06-25
  • 作者简介:刘丽孺(1971-),女,博士,副教授,主要研究方向为建筑节能、室内空气质量保证技术
  • 基金资助:


Air Quality Survey and Grey Incidence Analysis of Air-conditioned Coaches

  1. 1.Faculty of Civil and Transportation Engineering,Guangdong University of Technology,Guangzhou 5 10006,China
  • Online:2010-06-25 Published:2010-06-25

摘要: 根据全封闭式空调长途客车内的环境特点,选择温度、相对湿度、空气流速、CO体积分数、CO2体积分数、甲醛体积分数、新风量等作为典型的客观评价指标;依据国际通用的主观评价调查表格,设计了空气品质主观问卷调查表;选择广州一深圳往返的长途大巴作为实测对象,对该长途客车内的空气品质状况进行了主、客观实地调查.根据车内空气品质本身及其评价的灰色特性,利用灰色系统关联理论,将所测得的影响车内空气品质的客观指标与乘客的主观感受相联系,找出对人们的主观感受影响最主要的客观指标是新风量、CO2体积浓度和温度.

关键词: 空调汽车;空气品质;客观指标;主观感受;灰色关联分析

Abstract: On the basis of the environmental characteristics of whole-closed air-conditioned coaches,the parameters of air temperature.relative humidity,air velocity,the volumetric concentration of CO,C02,formaldehyde and the fresh air auantity are selected as typical objective assessment indexes.The subjective investigation table is designed according t0 the general international rules.Subjective and objective assessments of the air quality in whole-closed air-conditioned e0aches.which run from Guangzhou to Shenzhen,were made.Based on th,grey characteristics of the air cruality in the coaches and the assessments,the relationship between the 0bjective index,es and the passengers subjective feeling was analyzed by using the grey system incidence theory.The result~’§h that the key objective indexes.which affect the air quality in coaches,are the quantity of fresh air,the concentration of CO2 and air ternperature

Key words: Air-conditioned coaches;air quality;objective index;subjective feeling~, grez system incidence

[1]ASHRAE Standard 62-1989,Ventilation for acceptable indoor air quality[S].





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