Journal of Guangdong University of Technology ›› 2021, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (05): 97-107.doi: 10.12052/gdutxb.210034
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Yao Wei1,2, Chu Zhao-wei1,2
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[1] 冉鸿燕. 研究创新方法, 推进自主创新, 促进科学发展, 提升能力建设之多维审视——全国“2010创新方法与能力建设上海高层论坛”综述[J]. 自然辩证法研究, 2010, 26(10): 125-126. [2] 姚威, 韩旭, 朱凌. 工程师创新手册: 发明问题的系统化解解决方案[M]. 杭州: 浙江大学出版社, 2015. [3] 林艳, 王宏起. 企业应用TRIZ理论创新效果评价指标体系研究[J]. 现代管理科学, 2009, 5: 95-96. [4] 徐淑琴. 广东加快TRIZ等创新方法研究与推广应用的策略研究[J]. 科技管理研究, 2015(11): 90-94. XU S Q. Strategies of Guangdong province to accelerate the research and promotion of TRIZ and other innovation methods [J]. Science and Technology Management Research, 2015(11): 90-94. [5] ILEVBAREI M, PROBERT D, PHAAL R. A review of TRIZ, and its benefits and challenges in practice [J]. Technovation, 2013, 33(2): 30-37. [6] DARRELL M, SIMON D, BORIS Z. “Matrix 2003" Publication announcement of the japanese edition and Q&A documents for the english edition[EB\OL]. [2020-04-15]. [7] 彭慧娟, 成思源, 李苏洋. TRIZ的理论体系研究综述[J]. 机械设计与制造, 2013(10): 270-273. PENG H J, CHENG S Y, LI S Y. The overview of TRIZ's theoretical systems [J]. Mechanical Design and Manufacturing, 2013(10): 270-273. 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[1] | Lin Lin, Li Xiao-tao, Xu Yong-li. Hot Spots and Development Trend of TRIZ Theory and Method in China [J]. Journal of Guangdong University of Technology, 2021, 38(02): 10-19. |
[2] | Li Qian-jing, Cheng Si-yuan, Chen Xiao-jing, Yang Xue-rong, Chen Bin. A Patent Evasion Design of Dust-free Blackboard Based on Extension and CAI Technology [J]. Journal of Guangdong University of Technology, 2021, 38(02): 20-25,47. |
[3] | Guo Heng-fa, Li Xing-sen, Liu Ren-hu. A Creative Generation Method of Product Design Based on Extenics and TRIZ — Taking the Design of Mobile Phone Charger as an Example [J]. Journal of Guangdong University of Technology, 2020, 37(05): 7-12. |
[4] | Jiang Fan, Lu Hao-ran, Chen Yu-liang, Qi Xiao-long. Designing a Variable Area Square Table Based on TRIZ and Extenics [J]. Journal of Guangdong University of Technology, 2019, 36(04): 108-112. |
[5] | Wang Li-li, Yang Jie, Liang Kai, Zhang Zhi-ming, Liu Xiong, Lu Jia. An Innovative Design of Integrated Hand Dryer Actuator Based on TRIZ Theory [J]. Journal of Guangdong University of Technology, 2019, 36(04): 113-118. |
[6] | Jiang Fan, Chen Yu-liang, Chen Jiang-dong, Lu Hao-ran, Qi Xiao-long. Design of a Grinding Equipment Based on TRIZ and Extenics [J]. Journal of Guangdong University of Technology, 2019, 36(02): 20-25. |
[7] | Zhang Wen-lin, Cheng Si-yuan, Yang Xue-rong. A Research on Improved Function Analysis Method Based on Basic Element [J]. Journal of Guangdong University of Technology, 2019, 36(01): 10-15. |
[8] | CHEN Ai-Ling, LIU Wei, LI Xing-Sen. Research on the Coordinating Methods to Enhance the Epiphany Ability of University Students [J]. Journal of Guangdong University of Technology, 2015, 32(3): 18-22. |
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