Journal of Guangdong University of Technology ›› 2019, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (02): 37-46.doi: 10.12052/gdutxb.180166

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Revolution and Prospect of Private Equity Crowd-Funding Platform Based on Blockchain Technology

Wei Sheng1, Dai Ke-mian2   

  1. 1. Bank of Guangzhou Smart Bank Center, Guangzhou 510620, China;
    2. Guangzhou Badou Jinlian Technology Company, Guangzhou 510600, China
  • Received:2018-11-26 Online:2019-03-15 Published:2019-01-21

Abstract: Facing the development challenges of the current Internet-based equity crowd-funding platform, a research is conducted on the ideas, based on blockchain technology, of re-framing the equity crowd-funding platform in a multiplicity of dimensions, and establishing the whole industry chain solution. To achieve this objective, a peer-to-peer trading infrastructure needs to be set up first for digital assets. Then based on the consortium blockchain technology, a blockchain network can be built. After that the game theory and model are used to construct the mutual trust mechanism, and the underlying blockchain protocols for business processes designed so that different participants of the platform will join the blockchain alliance by following the protocols to join the digital asset network and ecosystem. The software architecture is redesigned and the functions and business processes of equity trading system and equity crowd-funding system implemented by using blockchain technologies. The rules of the crowd-funding project are transformed into codes of smart contract and all the codes, data and states saved as blockchain ledgers. By the above-mentioned attempts, the problems of equity crowd-funding scenario are solved by shortening the entire equity transaction process from a few days to minutes.

Key words: blockchain, equity crowd-funding, equity deal, smart contract

CLC Number: 

  • F830
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