Office Online

Bimonthly,Started in December 1984
Pesponsible institution:Department of Education of Guangdong Province
Sponsor:Guangdong University of Technology
Edited,Published,Distributed:Center of GDUT of GDUT Journal,Periodical Center of GDUT
Moral Statement
Moral Statementx
For the maintenance of academic integrity and ethics, all members of Journal of Guangdong University of Technology (editors, evaluation experts, and authors) must abide by the basic principles of this journal. This editorship strictly implements the peer review system, reviewing all contributions by going through a three-tier review precedure, namely, the editors' initial review, expert evaluation, and then the final review of deputy editors and editors-in-chief, guaranteeing and improving the quality of all the articles. This journal formulates this statement based on the guiding principles and criteria issued by the Committee of the Publication Ethics (COPE).

Copyright © 2017 Journal of Guangdong University of Technology
Add:729 East Dongfeng RD., Guangzhou PRC. Postcode: 510090
Supported:Beijing Magtech
Add:729 East Dongfeng RD., Guangzhou PRC. Postcode: 510090
Supported:Beijing Magtech